2012 Social Good Summit Circles the Globe.

I have been ripping and running (and plotting) over the last few weeks. Still fresh on my mind is the experience that came with Mashable and the UN Foundation’s Social Good Summit.Three years ago, I attended as a volunteer. At that time, my mind certainly was not fixed on using technology to influence poverty in Africa or the idea that broadband should be a right for all just as clean water is. Corporations were not actively exploring how they fit in the whole social media/tech for good space and although, forums such as these existed, the reach of them was nowhere near what it is today.Boy, have things changed.According to RecordSetter, on Monday, September 24, 2012, the Social Good Summit set the record for the largest global conversation on one topic to take place in a single day. Some highlights include:

  • Nearly 300 cities across the world gathered for meet ups to discuss and share ways that new technology and social media can tackle problems in individual communities.
  • More than 170 UN and global leaders spoke in New York City to hundreds of thousands around the world.
  • The Twitter hashtag #SGSGlobal trended locally, nationally, and globally during the Summit and used over 60,000 times.
  • The Livestream of the Summit was translated in real-time in seven languages, including all six official UN languages.
  • The Social Good Summit has been viewed in more than 150 countries sparking conversations in 50 different languages.

I could go on and on. Instead, I’ll let these videos speak for me.


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