Cause Marketing Feature: PayPal Will Take That Fruitcake Off Your Hands

The eggnog is long gone. So is the roast turkey, dressing and pie. All that remains is the fruitcake, which, even on your hungriest of days, you wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. No worries, PayPal is here to save the day. Sort of.PayPal is using the fruitcake, virtually, to raise money for 25 deserving charities as part of its second-annual, “Regift The Fruitcake” campaign. The initiative allows any average joe to become a fruitcake hero and support one of the featured charities in just three simple steps:1. Log on to create a fruitcake on behalf of a featured charity2. Make a donation to a charity using your PayPal account,3.. REGIFT: Use Facebook Connect to regift the fruitcake to friends all over the Internet.Every week, the person with the “Top Fruitcake” : (by points, based on number of regifts and donations generated) will win an ASUS Netbook. At the end of the campaign, the user whose Fruitcake has earned the most points will win a $5,000 grand prize.Check it out. Hurry, unfortunately, unlike the real thing, the shelf life on this incentive is limited.


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