How to Silence Kim Kardashian (for a Day).
This week , Kim Kardashian will shut up. Well, it'll only be on Twitter and Facebook. And it’ll only be for 24-hours. Because it’s for a good cause, that is more than enough for me.
I Just Might Get A Facebook Account
It could be publicity for The Social Network. Or not. I will say that I am proud of what he has done and hope that the gift is the beginning of more of our social media start ups doing good work right here at home where there are many pressing matters that need to be addressed. Furthermore, I challenge MZ to take it a step further: start a summer or after school program at Facebook where inner-city kids get to learn more about social media technology so that they can become prepared to enter into the field where diversity is still lacking (I will leave this for another blog post).
Hey Mommy!
Mommies are powerful.Moms are among those who are most likely to buy products that benefit a cause, according to a new Cone Inc. survey. Nearly two-thirds of mothers here in the US bought the products in the past, that are associated with a cause.