Why Morgan Stanley Is Civic-Minded.
A few months back, I talked about the announcement of, "The Civic 50".The title goes to a groundbreaking initiative launched in 2012 by the National Conference on Citizenship, Points of Light and Bloomberg News, which identified the top 50 community-minded S&P 500 corporations that best use their time, talent, and resources to improve the quality of life in the communities where they do business.Since then, CSR Wire has done a series of posts which highlight some of the companies featured on the list. The most recent features the do-good power of Morgan Stanley. The company not only funds local groups such as Union Settlement, but through its Strategy Challenge, it has deepened the engagement by better leveraging its employees' talent.Morgan Stanley runs smaller projects among its 1,300 offices in 42 countries, challenging 62,000 employees to help their divisions and regional offices excel in service and fundraising campaigns.And this past June, the firm’s senior leaders and 21,000 employees took part in the firm's Global Volunteer Month, devoting 176,000 hours of service to 1,000 projects worldwide.Find out more about just how Morgan Stanley does it; register for the next Civic 50 webinar on Wednesday, April 24, 2:00-3:00pm EST.